News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Simont Braun Welcomes Maïka Bernaerts as counsel, Enhancing Corporate M&A Expertise

Simont Braun, a leading Belgian independent law firm based in Brussels, is pleased to announce the arrival of Maïka Bernaerts as counsel in the Corporate M&A department.

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Ne manquez pas les Universités d'été d'AVOCATS.BE – Inscrivez-vous aujourd'hui

Nous sommes ravis de constater votre enthousiasme pour la 8ème édition des Universités d’été qui aura lieu les 20 et 21 août 2024 au magnifique Château-ferme de Courrière. Avec déj…

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New counsel at ebl-redsky

ebl redsky appoints Thomas Sion as Counsel.

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Updated Thresholds for qualification as Small or Micro-Under…

Small and micro-undertakings benefit from several exemptions. To be classif…

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The Belgian FDI screening mechanism marks its first year

One year after the introduction of Belgium's foreign direct investment (FDI…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

Onbeperkte economische activiteiten in de vzw: wat zegt het wetsontwerp voor nieuw WVV?

Met de introductie van een nieuw verenigingsbegrip stapt het ontwerp voor het nieuwe Wetboek Vennootschappen en Verenigingen (WVV) af van het principi…

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Bankruptcy proceedings and GDPR under Belgian law

An interesting question under GDPR came to our attention via a Dutch colleague: in the context of a bankruptcy under GDPR, can the bankruptcy trustee&…

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De komende jaren twee vigerende wetboeken vennootschapsrecht in België?

De actuele hervormingsdrang manifesteert zich ook in het ondernemingsrecht, en daar maakt het vennootschapsrecht een belangrijk onderdeel van uit…

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New Belgian Ultimate Beneficial Owner Register

The Royal Decree of 14 August 2018 (the “Royal Decree”), which will enter into force on 31 October 2018, defines the regulatory framework for the new …

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Changes to Belgian Takeover Rules: Royal Decree published on 5 October 2018

A Royal Decree stipulating some important amendments to the Belgian rules governing public takeover bids was published on 5 October 2018 (the “Royal D…

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UBO register: deadline for registration postponed

The Federal Public Service Finance (hereafter: FPS Finance) has published Frequently Asked Questions (hereafter: FAQ) to clarify the new Belgian UBO r…

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Ultimate Beneficial Owners Register operational as of today – Compliance required by 31 March 2019

he Anti-Money Laundering Act of 18 September 2017 (the “AML Act”) set up a central register at the Treasury Administration(the “UBO Register[1]”) to w…

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Big Brother is watching you… still more

L’Europe, arguant de la lutte contre le financement du terrorisme et l’utilisation du système financier aux fins du blanchiment de capitaux, a contrai…

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The UBO register - The current state of affairs

The law of 18 September 2017 on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purposes of money laundering or terrorist financing and limi…

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Criminal liability of legal persons undergoing change

 law of 11 July 2018 amends Articles 5 and 7bis of the Criminal Code with regard to the criminal liability of legal persons. The amendments, whic…

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Belgian Entities Required to Disclose their UBOs before 30 November 2018

This newsletter gives a brief overview of the practical aspects of a new obligation for Belgian entities to gather information about their ultimate be…

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The upcoming UBO register : summary of the obligations of Belgian companies

As a result of the implementation of the 4th (and already, in part, 5th) EU Anti-Money Laundering Directive(s) into Belgian law, companies incorp…

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Burgerlijke maatschap wordt onderneming: bijkomende administratieve verplichtingen!

Recent werd in het insolventierecht en in het ondernemingsrecht een nieuw en moderner, maar ook ruimer ondernemingsbegrip geïntroduceerd Het…

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How to govern your company properly?

European societies have been influenced by traditions from the United States for decades. The fascination for basketball, Halloween and black Friday h…

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Tip 7: Vlot(ter) bedrijf overdragen met behoud van macht en inkomsten!

-  De nieuwe Belgische vennootschapswetgeving zal de overdracht van een bedrijf vlotter maken. -  U kan de meerderheid van uw aandelen over…

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Virtual Currencies: No longer a Game without Frontiers

On 19 April 2018, the European Parliament adopted the proposal for the fifth Anti-money Laundering (AML) Directive, which will make a number of change…

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How to limit the liability risk for fan club founders? Time to park the bus!

In times of FIFA World Cup madness, David and Maxime have launched the idea of founding their own fan club named "Nacer '94 - the redeemer", in honour…

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De fresh start voor een ondernemer na een faillissement: you win some or you learn some

Het is (helaas) een onoverkomelijke realiteit dat faillissementen meer en meer voorkomen. In de eerste helft van 2017 gingen bijvoorbeeld al 5.256 bed…

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NautaDutilh / New Belgian Company Code

The NautaDutilh videos of the Belgian Code of Companies & Associations are an excellent example of co-creation, collaboration and teamwork within …

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Het nieuwe wetboek van vennootschappen en verenigingen zet eindsprint in

Het nieuwe wetboek van vennootschappen en verenigingen (afgekort, het “WVV”) beoogt het vennootschaps-en verenigingsrecht moderner, eenvoudiger en coh…

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