News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Bety Waknine Joins law firm Liedekerke as Of Counsel

Leading independent law firm Liedekerke is pleased to announce the arrival of Bety Waknine in its Regulatory team

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Lydian appoints Lore Derdeyn as Head of its Public & Administrative Law Practice

Lydian is pleased to announce the appointment of Lore Derdeyn as the new head of its Public & Administrative Law practice.

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Crowell & Moring launches its Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group in Brussels

Marcus Navin-Jones has joined Crowell & Moring’s Environment and Natural Resources Practice Group as a senior counsel in the Brussels office, bringing in-depth experience advis…

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Wijzigingen aan het Vlaamse omgevingsrecht - Update

Sinds onze laatste nieuwsberichten over de diverse wijzigingen aan het Vlaa…

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Altered payment terms in public procurement

On Monday, the Royal Decree of 12 August 2024 was published in the Belgian …

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

First damages award by the Council of State

The Council of State was recently authorised to grant compensation for damage suffered as a result of an illegal administrative act. On 2 October 2015…

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Doing business in Europe? Mandatory data protection compliance in every single country

A lot has been written about two recent court cases related to Facebook. The first one is the decision of 6 October in the case of the Austrian studen…

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Environmental Permit finally adopted

On 27 November 2015, The Flemish government has finally adopted the decision implementing the decree regarding the environmental permit. Startin…

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Seksismeverbod in Strafwet

De wet van 22 mei 2014 ter bestrijding van seksisme in de openbare ruimte (Seksismewet) kende een bewogen start. Het ontwerp dat tot de wet leidde wer…

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New amounts for minimum salaries to obtain Belgian work permit for certain employees

In order to obtain a Belgian work permit for individuals in the capacity of highly qualified or managerial employees, a specific minimum salary has to…

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La Cour constitutionnelle annule le mécanisme de la boucle administrative applicable devant le Conseil d’Etat

Par son arrêt n° 103/2015 du 16 juillet 2015, la Cour constitutionnelle a annulé l’article 13 de la loi du 20 janvier 2014 qui a réformé le Conseil d’…

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Licenciement des agents contractuels : stupeur et tremblements suite à l’arrêt récent de la Cour de cassation

Depuis plusieurs années, deux questions taraudent les employeurs publics : doivent-ils entendre un agent contractuel avant de le licencier?&…

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L'accord transatlantique sur l'échange de données en matières judiciaire et de police

Les négociateurs européens et américains viennent d'arriver à un accord-cadre sur l'échange de données personnelles en matières judicaire et de police…

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EU Court clarifies the calculation of SVHC in articles and related notification duties

On 10 September 2015, the European Court of Justice delivered an important judgment in case C-106/14 Fédération des entreprises du commerce et de…

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Lichaamsmateriaal en onderzoek - Vermoeden van toestemming bij een overleden donor?

Een patiënt komt te overlijden in het ziekenhuis. Bij deze patiënt werd een zeer agressief gezwel vastgesteld met een tot op heden ongekend proliferat…

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CJEU upholds its case-law on regulated energy prices

Last week, on 10 September 2015, the Court of Justice of the European Union (“CJEU”) condemned Poland for not fulfilling its obligation under Directiv…

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Bandingfactoren opnieuw verlaagd: minder groenestroom-certificaten voor zonnepanelen in Vlaanderen

De opwekking van energie uit hernieuwbare energie, waaronder elektriciteit geproduceerd door zonnepanelen, werd in Vlaanderen gestimuleerd d.m.v. de t…

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Article 95 BPR – the issue of listing a group of companies

During their meeting in May 2015, the Member State biocidal competent authorities (''CA'') discussed and finalised two important documents related to …

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Innocent ownership rules held to be compatible with the polluter pays principle

In a judgment of 4 March 2015 (case C-534/13, Ministero dell'Ambiente e della Tutela del Territorio e del Mare v Fipa Group Srl), the Court of Justice…

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Overheidsdata in de cloud: Is er een hemelse toekomst voor onze Rijksgegevens?

Advocatenkantoor time.lex onderzocht de veiligheid en betrouwbaarheid van cloud diensten voor de opslag van Vlaamse overheidsgegevens in juridisc…

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Votre immeuble et l'urbanisme : quelle garantie pouvez-vous attendre de qui ?

Le droit de l’urbanisme est au cœur de l’actualité, dans les trois régions du pays et plus particulièrement en Région wallonne et bruxelloise. En eff…

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Progress on the Unitary Patent

On 10 July 2015, the Preparatory Committee (which handles all the subsidiary issues arising from the creation of the Unified Patent Court (“UPC”), suc…

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Registratie van chemische producten en stoffen: het Belgische register voor nanomaterialen

In tegenstelling tot de algemene opinie, moeten de bedrijven die in België gevestigd zijn, niet uitsluitend de verplichtingen van REACH, de Europese w…

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Drones and Privacy: Belgian Privacy Commission Approves Draft Royal Decree

Until a couple of years ago, drones, or remotely piloted aircraft systems (“RPAS”), were only used for military purposes. Recently, however, the techn…

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Can an Internet News Portal be Held Liable for its Readers’ Reactions?

According to a recent ruling of the European Court of Human Rights, the liability of an Internet news portal, who attracts visitors on the basis of co…

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