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The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Didier De Vliegher joins Jones Day’s Real Estate Practice in the Brussels office

The global law firm Jones Day announced today that Didier De Vliegher has joined the Firm as of counsel in its Real Estate Practice, based in Jones Day’s Brussels Office.

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Bety Waknine Joins law firm Liedekerke as Of Counsel

Leading independent law firm Liedekerke is pleased to announce the arrival of Bety Waknine in its Regulatory team

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Lydian appoints Lore Derdeyn as Head of its Public & Administrative Law Practice

Lydian is pleased to announce the appointment of Lore Derdeyn as the new head of its Public & Administrative Law practice.

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Wijzigingen aan het Vlaamse omgevingsrecht - Update

Sinds onze laatste nieuwsberichten over de diverse wijzigingen aan het Vlaa…

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Altered payment terms in public procurement

On Monday, the Royal Decree of 12 August 2024 was published in the Belgian …

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

Schrems vs. Facebook

Maximilian Schrems zet zijn kruistocht tegen Facebook verwoed verder. Na verscheidene procedures voor de Privacycommissies van Ierland, Luxemburg en D…

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Grondwettelijk Hof velt arrest over wilde dieren in het circus

Tot begin 2014 vielen circussen of rondreizende tentoonstellingen niet onder het algemene verbod op het houden van bepaalde wilde dieren. Na lang…

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Municipalities are allowed to levy fees at cost when an individual exercises its right of access

On 12 December 2013, the European Court of Justice (“ECJ”) delivered an interesting judgment on the amount of charges municipalities are allowed to le…

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Support system for photovoltaic plants with a capacity of over 10 kW

The Walloon Government has revised the support system: generally speaking, 2.5 GC/MWh and 60% self-use.

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Détective ou vie privé(e)

L’affaire fait suite à un litige entre l’institut professionnel des agents immobiliers (IPI) d’une part, et Monsieur ENGLEBERT, la SPRL IMMO 9 et Mons…

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The Law of 15 May 2014 amending the law of 29 April 1999 on the organization of the electricity market

Un fonds budgétaire intitulé “production flexible d’électricité” est créé. Il constitue un fonds budgétaire au sens de l’article 62 de la loi du 22 ma…

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L'énergie dans l'accord de Gouvernement de la Région de Bruxelles-Capitale pour la législature 2014-2019

Le 14 juillet dernier, le nouveau Gouvernement bruxellois a rendu public son projet d'accord de Gouvernement pour la législature 2014-2019. Aux termes…

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Amendments to the Act of 12 April 1965 concerning the transmission of gaseous and other products by pipelines

« Art. 8/7. Sans préjudice de l’article 4 les installations de transport, quel qu’en soit le bénéficiaire, et tous les travaux réalisés aux fins de l’…

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Amendments to the Law of 29 April 1999 on the organization of the electricity market

Les articles 3 à 8 portent sur les installations de production d’électricité à partir des vents dans les espaces marins sur lesquels la Belgique peut …

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Energy law – 22 april 2014

1. Le 22 avril 2014 (Moniteur belge du 4 juin 2014), la Chambre des Représentants a adopté en séance plénière un projet de loi portant des disposition…

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'Integratie' van RUP's via het Hersteldecreet

Op 12 mei 2014 werd het ‘Decreet van 25 april 2014 houdende het rechtsherstel van ruimtelijke uitvoeringsplannen waarvan de planmilieueffectrapportage…

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Consulair Wetboek in kracht vanaf 15 juni 2014 (K.B. 19.04.2014)

De Wet van 21 december 2013 houdende het Consulair Wetboek, die in het Belgisch Staatsblad van 21 januari 2014 is verschenen, beoogt een noodzakelijke…

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Sixth State Reform - what to expect for immigration issues?

As from 1 July 2014, each Region in Belgium is able to determine for itself the legal criteria necessary to grant work permits and professional cards …

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CJEU upholds national support schemes for renewable energy

On 1 July 2014, the day that the Belgian regional regulators (VREG, BRUGEL and CWaPE) gained competence over distribution grid tariffs, the Court of J…

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Kwalificeert de wetgever (ongewild?) de koop van bestaande gebouwen door de overheid als overheidsopdracht voo…

Op 28 mei 2014 verscheen in het Belgisch Staatsblad (2e ed.) de wet van 15 mei 2014 tot wijziging van de wet overheidsopdrachten van 15 juni 2006 (Wet…

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Openbaarheid van bestuur in het oog van de Raad van State

Bij arrest van de Raad van State van 31 maart 2014 wordt de Federale Overheidsdienst Volksgezondheid op de vingers getikt op grond van haar weigering …

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Member State Committee reviews the first application of the prioritisation approach for SVHCs

On 8-10 April 2014, ECHA's Member State Committee (MSC) discussed during its meeting, among other items, the prioritisation results in the preparation…

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New penalties under the EU Pesticides Regulations in Italy

The Italian Government has recently introduced an extensive reform of the penalty system on violations of EU Regulations No 1107/2009 and No 547/2011 …

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Fate of the public procurement concluded without call for competition

Public procurement – No call for competition – Nullity of the procurement – No compensation for the company – Fault of the company

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Review of MRLs under Regulation 396.2005 is on its final stage

Following the adoption of decisions concerning the inclusion of plant protection product active substance in Annex I to Directive 91/414/EEC (now Regu…

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