News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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La grande misère de la justice

Ce 4 septembre 2024 la Cour d’assises du Hainaut a jugé irrecevables les poursuites à charge d’un accusé qui avait fait partie des most wanted belges pendant pas moins de 17 ans, a…

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Orde van Vlaamse Balies logo
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Nieuwe regels voor plaatsvervangende rechters: voorrecht van rechtsmacht vervalt

De Digitaliseringswet II heft vanaf 28 november 2024 het voorrecht van rechtsmacht op voor plaatsvervangende rechters, rechters in ondernemingszaken en lekenrechters.

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Aide juridique : le point à 93,97 euros !

Le 21 février dernier a été promulgué un arrêté royal modifiant l’arrêté royal du 20 décembre 1999 contenant les modalités d’exécution relatives à l’indemnisation accordée aux avoc…

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Verjaring van de strafvordering grondig hervormd

Op 18 april 2024 is de Wet Strafprocesrecht I van 9 april 2024 gepubliceerd…

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Ecocide crime in the new Belgian Criminal Code: understandin…

The crime of Ecocide is one of the major new features of the revised Belgia…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

Beroepsgeheim externe accountant - Zwijgen is goud, spreken is stout

Welke gegevens vallen onder het beroepsgeheim van de externe accountant? Het beroepsgeheim blijkt een ruimere uitwerking te hebben dan wel eens gedach…

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Fake certificates

Doctors issuing fake medical certificates and patients who seek and use them expose themselves to sanctions

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Blanchiment : modifications reprises dans le projet de Loi-programme

Le projet de loi-programme 52-2081 déposé à la Chambre le 24 février passé (Doc. parl., Chambre, sess. 2011-2012, n° 53-2081/001) contient, en ses art…

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New rights during criminal investigation

On 13 August 2011, the Belgian Parliament granted additional rights to suspects interrogated during a criminal investigation. With this important refo…

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Judicial settlement system extended and adjusted

On 14 April 2011, the Belgian Parliament approved an important adjustment to the existing system of judicial settlement in criminal matters (art. 216b…

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ROKEN OP CAFE ... Wat mag ? Wat mag niet ?

Vanaf 1 juli jl. zijn alle horecazaken in België rookvrij geworden.

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Judicial settlement system extended

On 14 April 2011, the Belgian Parliament approved an important adjustment to the existing system of judicial settlement in criminal matters (art. 216b…

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La Cour de Cassation précise les limites du secret médical dans le cas du patient victime

In line with its previous jurisprudence, the Supreme Court has recently stated that medical confidentiality does not extend to facts that the patient …

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Extension of the Miranda Warning to the EU: a revolution in (Belgian) criminal procedure

Criminal law could be considered an unlikely area of interest for business lawyers. However, over the course of the past decade, criminal sanctions ha…

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Sociaal Strafwetboek goedgekeurd door het parlement

In onze nieuwsbrief 2010/1 deelden wij reeds mee dat het sociaal strafwetboek eraan zat te komen. Intussen keurde het parlement net voor het begin van…

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The introduction of the Social Criminal Code

The law introducing the Social Criminal Code has been published in the Belgian Official Gazette on 1 July 2010. By introducing the Social Criminal Cod…

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The new Employment Criminal Code: is the wait worth it?

On 1 July 2010, the entirely new Employment Criminal Code was published in the official gazette. The legislation has been long in coming, and all play…

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Porter plainte

Pratique déloyale en matière de construction

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