News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Jones Day’s Brussels Office strengthens its Labor & Employment Practice

The global law firm Jones Day announced that Sara Vanderstraeten has joined the Firm as of counsel in its Labor & Employment Practice. Ms. Vanderstraeten is based in Jones Day…

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Legal interest rate for 2024

The legal interest rate for 2024 increases to 5.75%.

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Malissa Begtas joins the Employment, Pensions & Mobility team at Taylor Wessing in Brussels…

Starting from 1 December 2023, counsel Malissa Begtas will be joining the Employment, Pensions & Mobility team of Taylor Xessing in Brussels. With over a decade of experience i…

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Posting workers to Belgium: keeping up with the latest devel…

This newsletter gives a short overview of the latest legal and administrati…

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Occupational pension plans – Increase in the AOP return guar…

It has been a long time coming, but last week the FSMA officially announced…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

Single permit: wijzigingen voor Brussel!

Het Brussels Hoofdstedelijk Gewest heft bepaalde beperkingen voor het bekomen van een toelating tot arbeid en een single permit op. Tevens moeten nieu…

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Need to Hire a High Profile Non-European Worker for your Business in Belgium/Europe?

The COVID-19 pandemic is still causing uncertainty with respect to business travel, employee posting, and work permit and visa application processes w…

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Temporary unemployment after 31 August 2020

As explained in our previous newsflash (see our newsflash of 3 July 2020), the conditions for Corona unemployment will be adapted from 1 September 202…

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Sociale verkiezingen 2020: de procedure herneemt in september, akkoord over elektronisch stemmen is nog mogeli…

De sociale verkiezingen 2020 zullen doorgaan van 16 tot 29 november. Het overlegorgaan of de werkgever moet de nieuwe datum meedelen op X + 29. Een ak…

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Mise en quarantaine après un voyage en zone rouge : pas d’allocation de chômage

Mercredi dernier, l’ONEM a mis à jour ses directives concernant le bénéfice des allocations de chômage temporaire liées au coronavirus[1].

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Posting of workers

As from 30 July 2020, the foreign employer must – after the initial posting period of 12 months – comply with a more extensive package of Belgian sala…

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Terugkeer van een werknemer uit een buitenlandse vakantie in een corona risicogebied : wat te doen als werkgev…

De corona maatregelen verbieden niet-essentiële verplaatsingen naar sommige landen en regio’s in het buitenland. Bij terugkeer uit deze gebieden is ee…

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Adoption d’une série de mesures de soutien des employeurs et des travailleurs

Malgré la reprise de la vie économique dans la majorité des secteurs, certaines entreprises rencontrent encore d’importantes difficultés financières. …

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New Circular letter – Home working expense allowance

As working from home will be the new normal for many companies, the Belgian tax authorities released a circular letter including guidelines for the ap…

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Coronavirus en telewerk (Update)

In talrijke ondernemingen is telewerk voortaan verplicht. Tot op heden waren de meeste werkgevers echter niet gewend aan deze vorm van arbeidsorganisa…

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Allocation of consumption vouchers

A Royal Decree published today stipulates that employers may grant their employees so-called consumption vouchers that can be used in establishments b…

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Belgium’s implementation of the new EU Posted Workers Directive: what is the impact for employers posting work…

With the Act of 12 June 2020, Belgium is implementing EU Directive 2018/957 amending Directive 96/71/EC on the posting of workers, by providing, among…

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Posting of workers: modifications as of 30 July 2020

By Act of 12 June 2020, the legislator transposed the European Directive on the posting of workers (2018/957) in Belgium.

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Social elections 2020 - Extended possibility of electronic voting

Companies that did not decide to organise electronic voting in February 2020 will be given a second chance by the legislator to do so. This presuppose…

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Terugkeer uit groen, oranje of rood: wat moet/kan ik doen als werkgever?

Er zijn heel wat onduidelijkheden over wat werkgevers moeten of kunnen doen ten aanzien van werknemers die terugkomen uit (gekleurde) risicogebieden,&…

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Impact of temporary unemployment due to COVID-19 on holiday entitlements and year-end premiums

Now that the Council of Ministers extended the simplified procedure of temporary unemployment due to "COVID-19" force majeure until 31 August 2020 for…

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Coronavirus: wat met tijdelijke werkloosheid na 31 augustus?

Les employeurs qui ne pourront plus recourir au chômage temporaire pour force majeure due au coronavirus devront se tourner vers les régimes existants…

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COVID-19: Een nieuw loonvoordeel: de consumptiecheque

Eén van de relancemaatregelen van de regering is de mogelijkheid voor werkgevers om een consumptiecheque te geven aan hun werknemers die daa…

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COVID-19  et élections sociales 2020 : Prolongation de la possibilité de prévoir le vote électronique

Comme c’était déjà le cas lors des élections de 2016, la loi relative aux élections sociales autorise le vote par voie électronique. Pour la première …

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Electronic signature of collective bargaining agreements

From now on, it will be possible to have collective bargaining agreements signed by means of a qualified electronic signature. This possibility also a…

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