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The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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New hire for Taylor Wessing's Benelux Disputes & Investigations team

Siedse Willems has joined Taylor Wessing as a Senior Associate in the Benelux Disputes & Investigations team. Siedse, who has been a lawyer since 2017, brings a wealth of exper…

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New counsel at ebl-redsky

ebl redsky appoints Thomas Sion as Counsel.

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Aide juridique : le point à 93,97 euros !

Le 21 février dernier a été promulgué un arrêté royal modifiant l’arrêté royal du 20 décembre 1999 contenant les modalités d’exécution relatives à l’indemnisation accordée aux avoc…

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Hoe kan een pachtprijs voldaan worden? Kan dit nog steeds in…

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Heeft de pachter het recht om gebouwen op te richten op de g…

Sommige pachters wensen op het land waarop zij een pachtovereenkomst hebben…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

News in civil proceedings: the written testimony is now regulated

For years, litigators in civil proceedings have been used to compensate the lack of evidence by the so-called production of "attestation", i.e. non-fo…

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Transmission of accessories in a property sale: don’t read article 1615 too quickly !

In a decision of 20 April 2012, the Belgian Supreme Court has reconfirmed certain principles regarding the transmission of “accessories” in a property…

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Negotiating sale of real property – when are you definitively bound ?

The conditions of article 1583 of the Belgian Civil Code regarding sale are clear, but in practice their application to real estate transactions can b…

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What happens to alteration works, carried out by a tenant to his office space, upon the expiry of the lease ag…

Tenants often carry out alteration works to premises they let. The type of works can include fitting-out works for the personal benefit of the tenant,…

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The condition precedent of financing in real estate negotiations

The Belgian Supreme Court draws attention to the importance of an accurate drafting of the contractual documentation with respect to conditions preced…

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Omzendbrief overdracht familiale ondernemingen

In een eerdere nieuwsbrief werd reeds uitgebreid toelichting gegeven over de nieuwe fiscale regels omtrent de schenking en de vererving van familiale …

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Decreet Ruimtelijke Economie wijzigt de economische expansiewetgeving

Het Decreet Ruimtelijke Economie van 13 juli 2012 wijzigt verschillende aspecten van de economische expansiewetgeving. Het Decreet werd gepubliceerd i…

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Toestemming tot doorverkoop in het kader van de economische expansiewetgeving

In onze eerdere nieuwsbrief (2012/4) hebben wij reeds gewezen op de krijtlijnen waarbinnen de overheid haar toestemming tot doorverkoop in het kader v…

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Taking possession of the works

In public procurement of works, provisional acceptance of work done should not be confused with taking possession.

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The end of split sales – what are the other options?

The end of split sales – outline of alternative property transfer structures: full ownership transfer, split between unrelated parties, stand-alone lo…

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The new anti-abuse provisions and their implication on split-sale transactions

The new anti-abuse provisions enacted by the law of 29 March 2012, effective as of 1 June 2012, have an impact on “split-sale” transactions. This pape…

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Special conditions in property titles

Property purchase titles often impose special conditions on the owner or occupant thereof. One should be mindful of these title restrictions, which ca…

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Mandatory term of the emphyteutic lease: implications and limits

As to the minimum and maximum terms of an emphyteutic lease being a mandatory rule, it would be interesting to know if and under what conditions this …

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The concept of a building under construction according to the Breyne Act

The Breyne law offers a particular protection to buyers or property developers of buildings under construction. In a recent judgment of 4 May 2012, th…

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Bail commercial, deux décisions intéressantes

Le juge de paix de Westerloo s’est prononcé sur la date de prise de cours du bail et sur les conséquences d’une demande prématurée de renouvellement d…

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Common European Sales Law

The Common European Sales Law should significantly increase cross-border EU-trade, and boost consumer choice.

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Geldigheid sterfhuisclausule opnieuw bevestigd

Een sterfhuisclausule kan worden gedefinieerd als een beding in het huwelijkscontract waarbij het gehele gemeenschappelijk vermogen wordt toebedeeld a…

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Une ordonnance européenne en matière de saisie conservatoire des comptes bancaires en Europe : les débiteurs r…

La proposition de règlement présentée par la Commission européenne le 25 juillet 2011 a pour objectif d'instituer une nouvelle procédure européenne de…

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Pledge over moveable assets – time for a radical change

A draft law aimed at amending the conditions of the pledge over moveable assets has been discussed and proposed by a group of experts. The proposals m…

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Update on the applicable law regarding pledges on securities and cash accounts

The transposition of the Collateral Directive into Belgian law did not satisfy to the market needs. Only the pledges on financial instruments are take…

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