News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Didier De Vliegher joins Jones Day’s Real Estate Practice in the Brussels office

The global law firm Jones Day announced today that Didier De Vliegher has joined the Firm as of counsel in its Real Estate Practice, based in Jones Day’s Brussels Office.

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Laura Jakobs Joins DALDEWOLF: A New Asset for the EU Law Practice

DALDEWOLF is pleased to announce the arrival of Laura Jakobs in its European Union law team. Laura brings significant expertise in European litigation.

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DLA Piper - Discovery Day 2024 – Brussels - 31 October

If you’re curious about life at DLA Piper, attending a Discovery Day is a great place to learn more. By joining a Discovery Day, you’ll be taking a step towards shaping your career…

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Hoe kan een pachtprijs voldaan worden? Kan dit nog steeds in…

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The implementation of the NIS2 Directive in Belgium: enhanci…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

Opmerkelijke verhoging verwijlintresten in geval van laattijdige betaling overheidsopdrachten

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Regels op komst over opeenvolging van arbeidsovereenkomsten voor een bepaalde tijd en vervangingsovereenkomste…

Over een opeenvolging van arbeidsovereenkomsten voor een bepaalde tijd en vervangingsovereenkomsten bevat de Arbeidsovereenkomstenwet in de huidige st…

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French supermarket dawn raids down the drain

On 9 March 2023, the European Court of Justice (ECJ) ruled that the European Commission should properly record interviews if they are used to gather i…

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Verduidelijking maximale opzeggingstermijn van 13 weken bij ontslag door werknemer

Het wetsvoorstel tot wijziging van de wet van 26 december 2013 betreffende de invoering van een eenheidsstatuut tussen arbeiders en bedienden inzake d…

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The Belgian Competition Authority reimposes the same fine on Caudalie after its first decision was quashed by …

On 18 January 2023, the Belgian Competition Authority (“BCA”) reimposed a fine of EUR 859,310 on three undertakings of the Caudalie group for imposing…

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Belgium agrees on core principles for implementation of the Global Minimum Tax for MNE’s and some additional t…

The Belgian government reached an agreement on the Federal budget. After long discussions within the government, a number of measures have been decide…

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Sick during leave? Leave days become sick days

On 16 March 2023, a Royal Decree was published in the Belgian State Gazette aligning Belgian leave legislation with European Directive 2003/88/EC (the…

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De fiscale regularisatie nadert de eindstreep

Het federaal wetgevend kader om tot fiscale of sociale regularisatie over te gaan loopt in 2023 ten einde. Intussen voeren de Belgische banken volop c…

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The Digital Markets Act: Commission tackles Big Tech

Your undertaking develops and sells smartphone games. Most sales of your games are made through two or three app stores, which charge you a commission…

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ChatGPT interdit en Italie : L’autorité fait le buzz mais a-t-elle juridiquement raison ?

L’autorité italienne sort le bazooka : elle interdit ChatGPT sur le territoire italien. Si le but est de faire le buzz, c’est réussi. Si l’objectif es…

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Les mentions légales sur vos réseaux sociaux d’entreprise

Si vous gérez une entreprise, vous savez certainement que, plusieurs mentions légales doivent être légalement indiquées sur votre site Internet.

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Private Equity and tax avoidance: Court of Appeal rules in favor of taxpayer

The Court of Appeal of Ghent recently ruled that the Tax Authorities are not authorized to apply the tax avoidance principle and the anti-abuse rule (…

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European Parliament and Council ready to start negotiations on EU Data Act – Europe gets closer to adopting a …

In February 2022 the European Commission presented its proposal for the EU Data Act, which – if adopted - will introduce a far-reaching legal regime o…

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Application of the DLT Pilot Regime

As part of its Digital Finance Package introduced on 24 September 2020, the European Commission proposed a pilot regime for market infrastructures bas…

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Beperking van opeenvolgende arbeidsovereenkomsten voor bepaalde duur en vervangingsovereenkomsten

Op 16 maart 2023 keurde de Kamer een wetsontwerp goed dat regels invoert voor de opeenvolging van de arbeidsovereenkomsten voor bepaalde duur en verva…

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Belgian Competition Authority publishes amicus curiae on abuses of dominance and of economic dependency in the…

On 20 March 2023, the Belgian Competition Authority (BCA) published the amicus curiae rendered in an injunction action brought before the Business Cou…

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Clarification and modification of notice periods applicable for employment situations that already existed on …

A recently approved act settles a discussion on the maximum notice period to be observed in case of resignation by blue-collar workers who were alread…

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De verzelfstandiging bij Delhaize en CAO 32bis

Op de bijzondere ondernemingsraad van dinsdag 7 maart jl. kondigde Delhaize aan hun 128 winkels die nu nog in eigen beheer zijn, te “franchiseren”. Om…

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All Belgian Articles of Association Must Be in Line With the New Belgian Companies and Associations Code Befor…

The articles of association of all Belgian companies and non-profit associations must be in line with the new Belgian Companies and Associations Code …

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Geen dance moves op de werkvloer

Het was de VS die een tijdje geleden het voortouw nam, snel gevolgd door o.a. de Europese Commissie en andere Europese instellingen: de TikTok-applica…

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