Actualités et articles

L'endroit idéal pour tout professionnel du droit ou de la fiscalité de s'informer de l'actualité du secteur juridique belge

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Liselot Claeys rejoint Liedekerke en tant que Counsel

Liedekerke, cabinet d'avocats indépendant de premier plan, a le plaisir d'annoncer l'arrivée de Liselot Claeys en tant que Counsel au sein de son département Corporate & Fin…

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Monard strengthens its Insolvency and Restructuring team

Monard law welcomes a new member to its Insolvency and Restructuring team. Jente Dengler has joined the firm as of October 1, 2024.

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Liberius welcomes new EU Competition and Trade Law Partner in Brussels

Liberius is thrilled to announce the arrival of David Henry as a Partner in its Brussels-based EU, Competition & Trade Practice. David, a member of the Brussels Bar and a quali…

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The Cyber Resilience Act - A new step forward for the cybers…

The Cyber Resilience Act (Regulation (EU) 2024/2847 of the European Parlia…

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Legal Operations: Entity Management as a Foundation for Succ…

More and more heads of legal departments are aware that maintaining the sta…

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Explication des nouvelles lois, régime et bilan d’application des dispositions légales, état de la jurisprudence : nous livrons des articles de droit ciblés et pratiques sur toute l’actualité juridique.

Ces articles s'adressent à tous les professionnels du droit qui recherchent des informations juridiques pertinentes sur une disposition précise ou souhaitent simplement se tenir au courant de l’actualité législative et juridique.

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Plus d'actualités et d'articles

General Court confirms legality of Hungarian investment aid for new nuclear reactors

In 2014, the European Commission launched an investigation into the financing of two nuclear reactors in Hungary following the publication of several …

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L’accès du grand public au registre UBO est incompatible avec le droit au respect de la vie privée

Récemment, la Cour de Justice de l’Union européenne a confirmé dans une de ses décisions que l’accès au registre UBO par tout un chacun, relève de l’i…

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Where the old Civil Code contains only a few articles regarding the mandate (mandat / lastgeving), the new Book 1 now defines the concept of represent…

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Marchés publics : des avances temporaires autorisées en raison des fortes hausses de prix

Le paiement d’avances dans les marchés publics ne sont possibles que de façon restreinte. Le pouvoir adjudicateur ne paie en principe que pour des ser…

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Beaucoup de bruit pour rien: le samedi reste un jour ouvrable en droit du travail et de la sécurité sociale

Hier (21 décembre 2022), la proposition de loi visant à neutraliser l’article 1.7 du livre 1er du Code civil en ce qui concerne le droit du travail et…

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Une nouveauté de taille en droit des contrats en 2023 : la théorie de l’imprévision

Comme cela a été annoncé par la presse, le droit des obligations et contrats va connaître une cure de jouvence inédite depuis près de deux siècles ave…

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New Royal decree introduces new provisions for advertisements of UCIs offered in Belgium

On 12 December 2022, a new Royal decree (the “Royal Decree”) was published that introduces new rules for UCIs on two different topics: first, by imple…

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Sustainability considerations in B2C relationships

Sustainability and the environmental impact of consumer goods are becoming key drivers for consumer transactions and for advertising and marketing cam…

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Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive published in the Official Journal

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E-fulfilment: what is it and what to look out for?

Everyone knows what e-commerce is by now, but what about e-fulfilment? We explain below what this term means and what the points of interest are.

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The notion of workday in employment law - Saturday remains a workday after all

The new Book 1 of the New Civil Code enters into force on the 1st of January 2023. This new Book 1 has many new features, including the provision that…

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The Whistleblowing Act has been published in the Belgian State Gazette

In our newsflash of 7 December 2022, we wrote that the draft Belgian Act on whistleblowing for the private sector, which transposes EU Directive 2019/…

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The EU Whistleblowing Directive enters into force in Belgium

The Act transposing the EU Whistleblowing Directive was published in the Official Gazette yesterday, entering into force in Belgium on 15 February 202…

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EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework – Draft Adequacy Decision by the European Commission: The Long-Awaited Replacem…

The European Commission launched the formal process to adopt an adequacy decision for the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework on December 13, 2022. The fra…

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Looking ahead to the Belgian Data Protection Authority’s priorities for 2023

With the end of 2022 in sight, it’s time to look ahead to 2023. The new Executive Committee of the Belgian Data Protection Authority (“Belgian DPA”) c…

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Tax and social security reform of copyright income

Copyright and related rights protect literary and artistic works. Employees and company managers can transfer or license these rights to, respectively…

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Draft Belgian Whistleblowing Act now adopted in Parliament!

The draft Belgian Act on whistleblowing for the private sector, which transposes EU Directive 2019/1937 (‘the Whistleblowing Directive’) into national…

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La Belgique risque de perdre sa place dans le peloton de tête des terres d’accueil des holdings…

Le gouvernement entend écorner notre régime fiscal des holdings. En cas d’adoption des mesures qui sont actuellement sur la table, en particulier l’aj…

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Conditions complémentaires pour l’exploitation des parkings en Région de Bruxelles-Capitale

Le Gouvernement bruxellois apporte des précisions quant aux conditions à respecter pour l’exploitation de terrains de parkings par un Arrêté du 29 sep…

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A low degree of similarity?

In a recent decision, the General Court held that the trade mark consisting of a figurative animal (right) does not cause a likelihood of confusion wi…

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