GEVACO Advocaten

The foundations of the law firm GEVACO ADVOCATEN were built more than 60 years ago.

At that moment Mr. Hubert Geyskens started a law office in Beringen. In 1970 Mr. Hubert Geyskens, together with Mr. Alfons Vandeurzen established one of the first law associations in Limburg. Our current name refers to these founding fathers. The continuous strive for a full and qualitative service now results in a legal knowledge center of more than 45 collaborators.  

Our law firm constitutes an integrated, multidisciplinary association with overlapping law practices whereby our lawyers from one practice can call upon the assistance of one of their colleagues of one of the other practices.

We work as a “one stop shop” model. We offer specialized legal assistance for corporate and private clients in multiple branches of the law. Each and every lawyer is a specialist in his field of expertise. A team of more than 30 specialised lawyers is at the disposal of every client and file. Our knowledge sharing makes the position of our client stronger. We strive for unity in diversity.

GEVACO ADVOCATEN brings all the legal knowledge together under one roof. Mid 2015, we moved to a new office building, located at Beringen, Paalsesteenweg 81. At that same occasion the previous name of the law firm Geyskens, Vandeurzen & Vennoten was rebranded to GEVACO ADVOCATEN. Just like you we look beyond our borders. Our law firm is a member of the national network of lawyers, Avolink and the global network PraeLegal ( /

In 2013 the Belgian Legal Awards elected GEVACO Advoca ten as ‘Best regional law firm’. That same year Mr. Stefaan Lettens joined our team as recognized expert in tax law and beginning 2015, Mr. Joosten strengthened our team. He is specialized in employment and social security law.  

  • Limburg
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