News & Articles

The perfect place for any legal or tax professional to keep abreast of everything that’s happening on the Belgian legal scene

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Laura Jakobs Joins DALDEWOLF: A New Asset for the EU Law Practice

DALDEWOLF is pleased to announce the arrival of Laura Jakobs in its European Union law team. Laura brings significant expertise in European litigation.

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DLA Piper - Discovery Day 2024 – Brussels - 31 October

If you’re curious about life at DLA Piper, attending a Discovery Day is a great place to learn more. By joining a Discovery Day, you’ll be taking a step towards shaping your career…

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Bety Waknine Joins law firm Liedekerke as Of Counsel

Leading independent law firm Liedekerke is pleased to announce the arrival of Bety Waknine in its Regulatory team

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Hoe kan een pachtprijs voldaan worden? Kan dit nog steeds in…

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The implementation of the NIS2 Directive in Belgium: enhanci…

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Each day we publish several articles written by legal and tax specialists from law firms, notaries offices, the legal departments from payroll agencies and tax consultants.

It is the perfect way for lawyers at the Bar, in-house counsel, barristers, solicitors, notaries, bailiffs, paralegals and any other legal professional with an interest in Belgian and European law to keep informed of new legislative initiatives, case law, legal doctrine and all other legal developments on the Belgian legal scene!

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More News & Articles

De la double imposition des dividendes de source française. La Cour de cassation met un terme à la saga !

La Cour de cassation vient de rendre un arrêt qui devrait mettre un point final au dernier épisode de la saga de la « quotité forfaitaire d’impôt étra…

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Towards a mandatory person of trust

On 26 October 2023, the Parliament approved the draft act on several labour provisions. This draft traditionally contains various provisions relevant…

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De klok tikt: deadline verplichte aanpassing statuten aan het (nieuwe) WVV in zicht

Op 1 mei 2019 trad het nieuwe Wetboek van vennootschappen en verenigingen (‘WVV’) in werking. Bestaande vennootschappen en verenigingen kregen hierbij…

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AKD strengthens its energy practice in Brussels

AKD has recruited a leading energy team to strengthen its energy practice. Hiring this team, consisting of partner Thomas Chellingsworth, counsel Chri…

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Is your company ready for the Whistleblowers Act?

After companies with at least 250 employees[1]have already had to do so, it is now the turn of companies[2] with at least 50 employees to set up an in…

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Pas de retour à la formule Claeys

Le 26 octobre 2023, la Chambre a adopté le projet de loi portant des dispositions diverses relatives au travail. L'une des dispositions du projet de …

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Malissa Begtas joins the Employment, Pensions & Mobility team at Taylor Wessing in Brussels

Starting from 1 December 2023, counsel Malissa Begtas will be joining the Employment, Pensions & Mobility team of Taylor Xessing in Brussels. With…

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Denouement in the “Belgian Towercast Case”: the Belgian Competition Authority terminates its proceedings again…

On 6 November 2023, the Belgian Competition Authority (“BCA”) announced that it had closed its investigation into a possible abuse of dominance by Pro…

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Towards a simplification of insurance termination rules

October 2023 marks the advent of a new law intended to simplify the rules on termination of insurance policies. This new law, dated 9 October 2023, wi…

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The EU Whistleblowing Directive enters into force in Belgium

The Act transposing the EU Whistleblowing Directive was published in the Official Gazette yesterday, entering into force in Belgium on 15 February 202…

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A new Flemish Farming Lease Decree came into force

On 1 November 2023, a new Farming Lease Decree came into force. This Decree integrates both the provisions regarding farming leases as contained in th…

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Tax regularisation procedure to end on 31 December 2023: what is next?

On 31 December 2023, Belgium will end the Unique Liberation Declaration quater (ULD quater) procedure, the latest of a series of temporary regularisat…

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New product liability regime on the way

The European Commission published a draft proposal for a revised Product Liability Directive (the “PLD Proposal”) on 28 September 2022, which aims to …

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Reinforcement at Miles Legal

Christine De Ridder is rejoining Miles Legal to strengthen the insolvency practices.

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The Belgian Competition Authority publishes a specific analytical framework for hospital concentrations

In its priorities note for 2023, the Belgian Competition Authority (“BCA”) listed the pharmaceutical and health care sector as one of it major interes…

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La nomenclature en question

Depuis qu’une réflexion a débuté sur les modifications de la nomenclature fixant les points de rémunération des avocats travaillant en aide juridique …

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Visite du domicile privé : le fisc a besoin du consentement permanent du contribuable

Dans un récent arrêt, la Cour de cassation vient mettre des barrières aux pouvoirs d’investigation du fisc lors d’un contrôle au domicile privé du con…

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De Groote – De Man wint de Trends Impact Award in de categorie Welzijn

Advocatenkantoor De Groote - De Man heeft de Trends Impact Award heeft gewonnen in de categorie ‘welzijn’. De Groote - De Man prijkt nu op de lijst va…

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Transfer of business reinvented - Business transfers in preparation for bankruptcy

As already mentioned in our previous article on this subject, the concept of the transfer of a business is one of the pillars of the reform of insolve…

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High time for a change: deadline for the amendment of articles of association is coming closer

Following the entry into force of the new Belgian Code on Companies and Associations (BCCA) back in May 2019, all Belgian companies and non-profit org…

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