Bird & Bird (Belgium)

Bird & Bird opens up a world of possibilities for lawyers. Here you can advise major enterprises and high-growth businesses on matters that are often transformative in nature, and alongside people who are truly collegiate in the way they work with everyone at Bird & Bird. We are one international firm, where over 70% of our work involves teams from across our firm. And that is only going to increase. It is this common purpose and shared approach that makes Bird &…



  • Brussel
  • Handelsrecht en contracten
  • Vennootschapsrecht
  • Burgerlijk recht
  • Fiscaal recht
  • Publiek- & administratief recht
  • Vastgoedrecht
  • Geschillen en arbitrage/bemiddeling
  • Bank- en financieel recht
  • Intellectuele eigendom
  • Verzekeringsrecht
  • Gegevensbescherming & privacy
  • Employee benefits & pensioenen
  • Technologie, media en telecommunicatie
  • Europees recht
  • M&A / Private equity
  • Energie
  • Mededingingsrecht
  • Arbeidsrecht en sociale zekerheid
  • Andere
  • Medisch recht en life sciences
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EU - What to expect during dawn raids under the DMA, the DSA, and the draft AI Act

How to Comply with Data Protection Requirements in Competition Dawn Raids and Investigations

Investigations into suspected competition law infringements almost invariably involve an analysis of very significant quantities of data generated and…

Tips & tricks for cooperating with the forensic IT team during competition law or regulatory investigation…

Companies facing investigations from competition or regulatory authorities frequently require the support of forensic experts, for instance to respond…